When you are in a serious relationship, you will have many ups and downs, But talking things over is a better solution than throwing it all away.
Your relationship can affect your personal happiness, so it is important to prioritize relationship. Often small things are given less importance. If you focus on little things it will actually make your relationship stronger and healthy.
Family is someone in your life you need for emotional support. They encourage you to improve in exciting ways. Your family, your loved one’s are one who really matters.
You might not be happy with your present. But surely you can do stuff that will bring happiness to your relationship and to your personal self.

Do activities that you both love
Doing activities together will reinforce the compatibility you have with each other. It is like a conditioning required for a healthy relationship. Sharing hobbies and choices will give you a bigger chance to make your relationship an everlasting one.
Let go of those who are already gone
Some people come in your life to stay for always, while others come to teach you lesson. Everyone is not destined to be tied with you. People may leave you when you are of no longer any use to them. Accept the truth and filter out these people. You will be left with some great fellows which you can actually count on. Time will gradually make your realize who the real ones are.
Give a fair chance to people you come across
Everyone has experienced breakdowns that has changed them and forced them to grow. Every one coming in our life are not ordinary, they come in our lives to offer something amazing. Try to judge them and trust your judgment. Do not just block your heart, embrace new relationships. Be ready to learn, accept the challenge and meet someone that might just change your life forever.
Show everyone kindness and respect
People may be rude with you at times, but you are nice, aren’t you? Treat everyone with kindness and respect because you are nice. Do not define boundaries that define group of people that deserve to be respected. Treat everyone with respect and patience.
Improve on yourself, this will allow time for each of you to have personal space
Are you happy with yourself? If you are not happy with yourself you cannot be happy in a relationship. The important thing is that you should try to improve yourself. You will always be decisive about what and where you are in life. So, work on your passions constantly and your partner will be happy to see your doing towards something. Be supportive to your partner and you can work together towards your ideal shelves.
Be yourself
Find the courage to be your awesome self. This world is trying to make you like everyone else, do not get influenced by negative people.
When people laugh at you, laugh back at them for being like others. Be with those who make you feel confident and make you smile. Be your imperfectly perfect self around them. Be with those who love u for who you really are.
Be specific in telling them about what you admire about them
Let your partner know what you like about them; compliment them on their appearances, efforts, and accomplishments. Let your partner know exactly what you like about them. It is important to show that you notice the little things about them. Cheer them, show enthusiasm. This will help in building relationship.
Do little things every day for others
Every little thing counts. You can’t be everything to everyone but you can be everything to a few people. You would be the biggest part of their heart, so do those little things that they expect from you. Come to a decision who these people are in your life and treat them like royalty.
Pay attention to who your real friends are
Do not count how many friends you have, count the ones who are the real ones. Many people will come in your life, some will enjoy and go, some will laugh with you and laugh at you, but there are a few who will be there till the end. These people are your real friends in life. They are the ones who matter most, so pay attention to who your real friends are.
Always be loyal
True love isn’t just about being together. It is about two people being true to each other. It should be your priority to remain faithful in a relation. Loyalty is everything.
Stay in better touch with people who matter to you
A relationship with anyone is measure in affection and not in miles. Do not ignore someone you care about. Stay in touch with those who matter to you. Those who are worth the extra effort, give them that extra dose. Have a number of friends you can be certain of at your all times. Paying attention to these people should be a priority.
Keep your promises and tell the truth
Don’t hide the truth from people whom you love. Tell them the truth up front. Don’t play games with people’s heart. Half truths are no better than lies. Remember, love and friendship don’t hurt. Do not mess with someone’s feeling just because you’re unsure of yours. Be open, be honest tell them the truth.
Give what you want to receive
If you are expecting then remember to be willing to give the same. If you want love, give love. If you want friends, be friendly. It really is this simple.
Allow your partner to take their own decisions
Do not interfere in their life so much that they start ignoring you. Do not judge others by your own past. What might be good for one person may not be good for another. Allow people to make their own mistakes and their own decisions.
Talk a little less, and listen more
People always doesn’t need advice. They also need a listening ear and some positive encouragement. Some people just need a spark to think what they already are. Help people find directions.
Ignore unconstructive, hurtful commentary
Don’t be hurt from others views about you. Nobody has the right to judge you. There will always be someone to point you on what you do. There will always be someone who thinks differently. So concentrate on doing what you know in your heart is right. Just focus on what is important for you and how you feel about yourself.
Pay attention to your relationship with yourself
Do not lose yourself in the process of loving others. You are special too. Do what you love and your partner will love you for what you are. Follow your passions, your hobbies and pamper yourself.
Have a relationship where everyone is like, “Damn, they are still together”?
Every person in your life has a role to play and it’s all about how you treat your relationship.
Do things that brings joy to your and your relationship.